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Dallas Specialty Montage
Dallas Specialty Logo

At Dallas Specialty, our goal is to be a leader in providing high-quality products and services to the Wholesale Plumbing, Irrigation, Water Works, Tile and Home Center Industries. Our focus after 35 years in the business has never changed: we remain flexible to our customer's needs.


The Green Coupling for Hi-Temperature and Chemical drainage applications. Our exclusive line of Dallas Specialty products are made with you in mind.


Ideal for use in Medical Facilities, Bottling Plants, Laboratories, Film & Print Plants, Testing & Research Labs, Pharmaceutical Facilities, Food Processing & Drug Plants, Commercial and Industrial applications or where Hi-Temperature and/or Chemicals are present.

Please select from the following PDF files to view the latest product information.

Dallas Specialty Green Chemical Coupling Cover

For more information about Dallas Specialty & Manufacturing products, visit the Dallas Specialty website.

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