APS offers a faster pipe sealing method than your everyday caulk, grout, or mastic with USA-Manufactured Innerlynx® Modular Mechanical Seals. Innerlynx® are used in a systematic approach for installers to easily seal the annular space between the carrier pipe and the ID of wall penetration.
Innerlynx® are made from synthetic rubber with industrial strength U.S. manufactured pressure plates and are available in more sizes than offered by any other U.S. manufacturer. APS offers 21 different sizes for all pipe diameters ranging from 1/2" to 144" and forms a hydrostatic seal up to 40 psig and up to 92.28 feet of head pressure. Innerlynx® are available in five different types for various applications.
Innerlynx Modular Mechanical Seals are available in a variety of styles and sizes to suit a large range of pipe systems and penetration sealing applications.
The “FD” series is a certified 3-hour fire stop system for floors, ceilings and walls. Innerlynx seals are made from EPDM, nitrile or silicone to suit various applications.
Pressure plates are heavy-duty U.V. and ozone-resistant plastic or all metal.
Other products include plastic, steel or gal-vo-plast wall sleeves, flange protectors and gasket kits.

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For more information about Innerlynx products, please use the following link to access the Innerlynx website.